Saturday, January 18, 2014

One Day in December

One day in December my friends decided we would have a christmas party before they flew back for holidays. My talented friend baked muffins and cooked majority of the yummy dishes for us *smooches her. And then we went for some purikura(photo stickers) session, we took advantage of the lighting and took tons of pics eheheheheh :P. It was cute my friend got a mini christmas tree. Bear with me with my shabby photo editing skills though, i'm a noob xD.

Lots of love,

1 comment :

  1. awww your christmas sounded so much fun! Much better than mine and you and your friends are so cute in the sticker photo machine booth :DD
    Sticker photos are still fun till this day HAHA no matter how embarrassing they may be to take i think theyre so fun.
    Love the yummy muffins you girls baked.

