top: cotton on/ skirt: style stalker |
Wearing one of my favourite skirts again, but didn't wear the heels out in fear of slipping in the rain. I actually finished my exams around 2 weeks ago, but was m.i.a. from the blogosphere
and everything else because of a visit from a special someone #^^#. Took my boyfriend around adelaide and stuffed him (and myself) with lotsa good food. Right now I'm in the midst of making decisions about what to study in the future @.@. Decisions decisions. And I haven't been shopping for more than a month, not even online shopping
we'll see about that , I guess that's an accomplishment on saving $$ eh? :P
meatarian life |
my boyfriend insisted to have me try his pasta+bread combination wtf but it's actually nice surprisingly |
this was rated as one of the tastiest instant noodles in the WORLD by a food blogger, I can see why |
being pretentious while waiting for the bus |
cruising into hog's breath and tried a medium rare steak for the very first time (everytime i say or type "for the very first time" i feel like im singing madonna's 'like a virgin') |
taking pictures in front the mall's balls like a good tourist should |
the raspberry cream cheese crepe from the pancake house is actually very good, don't remember the name but i think it's called russian (something) crepe |
during his visit he actually cooked my favourite dish from home ^o^. it's called mian fen gao (direct translation flour cake soup), basically it's a noodle soup but the noodles are all shaped as squares instead. |
I cannot unlove takoyaki |
pouring sake for the boyfie like a good wife should? LOL! and i didn't know sake taste like vodka |
this picture's purpose is to remind me the importance of posture and fitness (fml) |
And that's all folks!