My skirt crisis is solved. I have now come to accept the fact that I can't get the zara skirt. I was going to order the faux leather skirt from storets but what do you know, I ended up discovering another korean online store,
artfitshop that sells the same thing at a cheaper price.Artfitshop is quite an impressive store, now if only I have more money.
The one from storets is $65 while the one from artfitshop is $49(not bad, not bad at all).
Last week, I bought purple dress from asos which I will wear on my sister's wedding day. Her favourite colour is purple so all of us bridesmaids will be human brinjals :D! I sent her a few links and in the end she chose this dress. The dress is $60 and is from a label named Aqua which I've never heard before.

After surfing hundreds of pages online, I've decided to really go to zara and buy a pastel coloured cardigan. Seeing shops like cotton on or valley girl don't exactly sell them at a cheap price so might as well go to a place with more choices. I wanted to see if I can avoid spending money on cardigans but after looking at my wardrobe the money will be spent. I'm a bit disappointed with the faux leather skirt I bought from dotti around 2 months ago. It's a little bit too big and when I'm walking I have to keep adjusting it or else it will form into a bad shape. I bought it because my friend sorta encouraged me to, I guess that's one of the cons of shopping with a friend. I normally wouldn't buy something if it doesn't look THAT good. Further more, it was full price, my wallet says ouch.
Can't wait for the vjstyle bags to arrive.
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