Thursday, March 1, 2012


Went into lovisa to get a present for one of my best friends. Saw the spend 30 dollars get 10 dollars voucher promotion so decided to get something for myself too. Got a thin torque in a darker shade of silver, wanted to get the gold one but there wasn't any :( (same case with the thick version. Alas!). Also got a jewellery storage bag in a black and white snake print.Maybe I'll give the giftcard to my other friend as a bday present or maybe I can use it myself (the sale assistant insist I should use it myself lol).
want the gold one so bad :(

And when I got back home I ordered the Tommy february6+ Tommy heavenly6 album and the marquee magazine from CDJapan which I have been eyeing for months. She has been  my favourite female singer since I was 14, this is the first time I bought her album since Japanese albums are so expensive. Alas my banksa account won't allow the transaction to go through at first, but luckily I have a hsbc account which was a aha! moment :))!
february & heavenly

Then I checked my email and realized there's a special leap year 10% discount on asos items so I decided to get the thin smooth double cuffs in gold. I am glad I didn't get the thicker version last month since this thinner ones are much more to my liking.

I don't expect to have another haul in the near future, have been shopping too much these days. Must have self control! Except for another lovisa trip to use the 10 dollar voucher


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