Monday, November 26, 2012

Balik kampung

The title means going home in Malay.
I'm packing and cleaning like a mad woman at the moment, going home in 2 days time :D! Haven't been back for 1 year ++, can't wait to see all the familiar faces!
My iphone is such a lifesaver, I don't have a camera at the moment so I can only use it to take photos, I'll probably nab a camera from my dad when I go back.


Tuesday, November 20, 2012

The Poet of Black

                                Yohji Yamamoto: The poet of black from Victoria and Albert Museum on Vimeo.

Legendary Yohji Yamamoto talks about his views on fashion including why he prefers to design womenswear over menswear. This interview gives the audience an idea of the shape of his personality and way of thinking.

Yohji Yamamoto to me is not only a fashion designer, but also a philosopher with a rock star attitude. He is a very intelligent and humble man that has a devil may care attitude towards some people's definition of success such  as owning a private jet or living in a mansion.

Sorry for my lack of words, exams and essays last week ate my writing ability hahaha. I should be posting more frequently  in the very near future ^^.
